

1952 Mehanotehnika, company for production and sale of metal and plastic products. The company name derives from the name of the first puzzle toy which was entirely produced by the company. Initially the company haven't had its own production site and only lately, by the end of 1953, the building and machinery have been aquired.

1953 In June the produtcion started and the same month the first Mehanotehnika products appeared on the market. 

1959 The production hall of 5000 m2 have been built and the production have moved to actual location in Izola. First appearance on Nuerenberg Toy Fair. 

1962 The production in Materija production site started. 

1965 The collaboration with the Department of child and adolescent psychology of the University of Ljubljana started with the project "Good toy". Based on that collaboration Mehanotehnika started to produce the toys with superior psychological and pedagogical content.

1971 All the production of plush toys have been moved to the production site in Materija. 

1990 Company Mehanotehnika changed its name to Mehano. 

2000 Mehano developed the model of the locomotive "BR 250 Blue Tiger" and have been awarded with the "Model Des Jahres 2000" award by "Der Modellbahnenverband in Deutschland E.V." from Germany. 

2001 Mehano have been awarde by the Nuerenberg Toy Fair Authority for the 40 years of attending the Nuerenberg Toy Fair. 

2004 Company Mehano have been aquired by the company LIVE d.o.o. Izola. 

2004 Mehano developed the model of the locomotive "Locomoive Diesel Type 77" and have been awarded with the "Modelle De L'Annee 2003" award on the "Expo Salon De La Maquette" exposition in Charleroi / Belgium. 

2007 Mehano developed the model of the locomotive "Blue Tiger 2" in N scale and have been awarded with the "Model Des Jahres 2007" award in the locomotive category by the "Nbahn Magazine" from Germany. 

Mehano developed the model of locomotive "Reeks 26" in H0 scale and have been awarded with the "Modelle De L' Annee" award in the locomotive category by the "Commision De Modellisme" from Belgium 

Mehano developed the model of container car "SGGMRSS'90" and have been awarded with the "Modelle De L'Annee" award in the cargo cars category by the "Commision De Modelisme" from Belgium. 

2010 New catergory for the preschool age segment "My first train" has been launched. The category consist of the following products: My First Train - Intercity, My First Train - Country Trip and My First Train - Hello Kitty.

New children laptops Bimbo and Hello Kitty have been launched.They offer very good priceperformance ratio and very good value for money.

The umbrella brands "Train Line" and "Speed Trains" for the Mehano trainset and new visual identity have been introduced.